Pastry Wizard

Pastry Wizard is a project from my BrainStation UX Design certification, created as a one-stop hub for pastry chefs and enthusiasts. This app centralizes recipes, courses, and events to simplify access and enhance the pastry community experience, bringing pastry resources together in one seamless platform.


UX Certification Final Project




Market Analysis

Currently, there are no similar products available, so I'm comparing Pastry Wizard with other products that offers similar functionalities.


Market Analysis

Currently, there are no similar products available, so I'm comparing Pastry Wizard with other products that offers similar functionalities.


User Interview

Inspired by my pastry chef sister’s struggle to find comprehensive resources, I interviewed three participants (ages 22-36) to understand user needs. Insights from these interviews shaped the user persona guiding this project.

Interview Questions I Asked

Drag and drop to arrange your own questions.

Interview Questions I Asked

Drag and drop to arrange your own questions.

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had attending a pastry seminar or event? What made it memorable for you?

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had attending a pastry seminar or event? What made it memorable for you?

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had attending a pastry seminar or event? What made it memorable for you?

How do you typically organize and store your favorite pastry recipes? Do you use any apps or tools to help with this process?

How do you typically organize and store your favorite pastry recipes? Do you use any apps or tools to help with this process?

How do you typically organize and store your favorite pastry recipes? Do you use any apps or tools to help with this process?

Can you share any frustrations or pain points you've encountered when using existing pastry-related apps or websites?

Can you share any frustrations or pain points you've encountered when using existing pastry-related apps or websites?

Can you share any frustrations or pain points you've encountered when using existing pastry-related apps or websites?

What are some challenges you face when trying to find new pastry recipes or learn new baking techniques?

What are some challenges you face when trying to find new pastry recipes or learn new baking techniques?

What are some challenges you face when trying to find new pastry recipes or learn new baking techniques?

What features or functionalities would you like to see in a pastry-related app that would make your baking experience more
or efficient?

What features or functionalities would you like to see in a pastry-related app that would make your baking experience more
or efficient?

What features or functionalities would you like to see in a pastry-related app that would make your baking experience more
or efficient?

How do you currently discover pastry-related courses, seminars, or events? Can you walk me through your process?

How do you currently discover pastry-related courses, seminars, or events? Can you walk me through your process?

How do you currently discover pastry-related courses, seminars, or events? Can you walk me through your process?

How do you think technology can enhance the experience of learning and practicing pastry-making at home?

How do you think technology can enhance the experience of learning and practicing pastry-making at home?

How do you think technology can enhance the experience of learning and practicing pastry-making at home?

If you could design your ideal pastry app, what would it look like, and what features would it include?

If you could design your ideal pastry app, what would it look like, and what features would it include?

If you could design your ideal pastry app, what would it look like, and what features would it include?

Can you tell me about your experience with baking and pastry-making? What sparked your interest in this culinary art?

Can you tell me about your experience with baking and pastry-making? What sparked your interest in this culinary art?

Can you tell me about your experience with baking and pastry-making? What sparked your interest in this culinary art?


User Persona

To convey my research findings, I developed a user persona highlighting key goals, needs, and behaviors of pastry enthusiasts. This persona helps guide design decisions to meet user expectations.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Exploring New Recipes

Exploring New Recipes

Celine loves discovering a wide variety of pastry recipes, from timeless classics to innovative creations.

Tap to reveal

Celine loves discovering a wide variety of pastry recipes, from timeless classics to innovative creations.

Tap to reveal

All-in-One Resource

All-in-One Resource

As someone with a busy schedule, she values having everything in one convenient location—a personal library she can access anytime.

Tap to reveal

As someone with a busy schedule, she values having everything in one convenient location—a personal library she can access anytime.

Tap to reveal

Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail

Celine needs comprehensive information (such as session details, and duration) before committing to a learning program.

Tap to reveal

Celine needs comprehensive information (such as session details, and duration) before committing to a learning program.

Tap to reveal

Skill Enhancement

Skill Enhancement

She is dedicated to perfecting her pastry-making techniques by learning from renowned experts she follows.

Tap to reveal

She is dedicated to perfecting her pastry-making techniques by learning from renowned experts she follows.

Tap to reveal


User Persona

To convey my research findings, I developed a user persona highlighting key goals, needs, and behaviors of pastry enthusiasts. This persona helps guide design decisions to meet user expectations.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Based on Celine's pain points, I identified some key needs and goals that the app can address as effective solutions.

Exploring New Recipes

Celine loves discovering a wide variety of pastry recipes, from timeless classics to innovative creations.

Tap to reveal

All-in-One Resource

As someone with a busy schedule, she values having everything in one convenient location—a personal library she can access anytime.

Tap to reveal

Attention to Detail

Celine needs comprehensive information (such as session details, and duration) before committing to a learning program.

Tap to reveal

Skill Enhancement

She is dedicated to perfecting her pastry-making techniques by learning from renowned experts she follows.

Tap to reveal



User interviews uncovered key challenges, guiding solutions that make Pastry Wizard a seamless, all-in-one resource for pastry enthusiasts.


Information Architecture

For Pastry Wizard, I structured the information architecture to provide an intuitive, seamless navigation experience. The app organizes recipes, courses, and events into clear categories.


User Flow

In the user flow, I focus on two essential tasks: signing up to browse available courses and enrolling to a masterclass. Each step is designed for a seamless experience, making it easy for users to access valuable pastry resources.

Task 1

Task 2

Celine wants to sign up to Pastry Wizard so she can start to browse the available courses

Task 1

Task 2

Celine wants to sign up to Pastry Wizard so she can start to browse the available courses

Task 1

Task 2

Celine wants to sign up to Pastry Wizard so she can start to browse the available courses



In the sketches section, I mapped out the user flow for the two tasks above. These initial sketches laid the groundwork for a streamlined design, ensuring an intuitive and accessible user experience.


Style Guideline

The style guideline aims for a warm, inviting aesthetic that embodies the joy of pastry-making. It features a soft, earthy color palette, elegant typography, and minimalistic icons for readability and user experience.


Prototyping Demo

Explore the prototype to experience the design in action—play around with the layout, interactions, and features to get a feel for the user journey and overall functionality.