At Razorfish, I focused on Stellantis, the agency’s largest automotive client, with a particular emphasis on the Jeep website. I managed image selection, slicing, and optimization, performing extensive previews and testing to ensure seamless functionality and an intuitive, user-friendly experience across devices.
Production Designer
Jurassic World Partnership Page
This page will help support the Jeep Brand integration into Jurassic World and show the consumer a Behind the Scenes look at the making of the partnership commercial. Build excitement and buzz surrounding Jeep brand vehicles that were featured and foster the sense of community + increase discussion among loyal Jeep brand enthusiasts.

Trail Rated Page
The Trail Rated badge signifies that a Jeep brand vehicle has passed rigorous testing for off-road capability in five categories: traction, water fording, maneuverability, articulation, and ground clearance.
The page has not been updated in over two model years and the objective of the current project is to bring it up to date with new vehicle imagery and copy to accurately reflect the current Jeep brand lineup, including new 4xe models.